Most serious accident in my life
It was one of my workday mornings. I was enjoying sunny spring day by looking through a clean, full-length window next to me. I was preparing a presentation which our company had to introduce to our company’s senior management at headquarter. Our company is a subsidiary company of the main company, which has various businesses. The meeting was scheduled to be held at the headquarter office, which was located 30 minutes of driving distance from my company. Everyone was checking his/her presentation.
Before leaving the office, our Chief Executive Officer reminded us to be on time for the meeting. Outside of our office building, our company car - black Toyota Landcruiser - was waiting for the team. A young spirited driver was seated behind the wheel almost ready to fly. Our company is located in industrial area, located on the bank of the river “Tuul”. Finally, it was time to leave. Everybody came to the car and we started our journey. In approximately two minutes we arrived at an intersection of the main road, we turned right and joined to the main road, which had narrow two ways, each has only one lane. On the one side of the road it was the river bank, the other side, where we were going, had a steep slope. I was seated in back seat and was talking to my colleagues.
A red mini car “Jeep” came from the other way. The car had stopped, flashing light to turn and waited for us. Suddenly the car turned left just in front of us. Our driver attempted to stop the car and warning beforehand by honking horn and had quickly swerved into back while slammed on the brakes. In a moment the red car was in front of us. It happened so instantly!
Came loud crash sound! We couldn’t see what happened exactly. I bumped into the side door, front and back space cushion and the one’s shoulder who was seated next to me. I suddenly noticed that someone gently mopped the blood from the wound of my forehead. The both cars were stopped long distance from each other. The safety cushions worked and it was full of smoke in our car. Our colleague, who was seating next to the driver, couldn’t move because of his knee injury.
Police arrived at the scene and a police officer gathered sufficient information from us, and took many photos of the accident. I was trying to remember what happened and wanted to be helpful for the police reporting. The police officer informed us that car accidents happen all the time on this road due to the narrow roads and drivers’ speeding.
It was me, who got a minor injure and spent only three weeks at the hospital. My other colleagues had major injuries and spent several months at hospital and even one of them needed to go to abroad to get sufficient treatment. Alone, lying on the hospital bed I was thanking God, and reflecting about my life and was appreciative that I was alive. It was very close to fatal end to somebody. Even though there were damages to health, property and time, we still don’t know how all these health damages will impact our overall health in the future. I am still concerned about my brain damage and its consequences. We have to live and see.